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Cara Daftar Profitcliking

Written By Unknown on Sunday, December 30, 2012 | 5:29 AM

Klik Gambar untuk mendaftar

cara daftar profitclicking

Klik “JOIN”, seperti tampak pada gambar diatas 

Cara daftar profitclicking

Isi data-data yang diperlukan seperti tampak pada gambar di atas ini


1.Masukkan Nama Depan

2.Masukkan Nama Belakang
-Bila nama Anda hanya terdiri dari 1 (satu) kata, tambahkan kata Bpk, ibu, Mas, Tuan

3.Isikan email Anda
-Harus email aktif yang aman, sebab Anda akan menerima email konfirmasi berisi link
  yang harus Anda klik untuk kelancaran proses pendaftaran.

4.Masukkan kembali email yang sama

5.Isikan password
-Bikin password kombinasi huruf dan angka, hindari penggunaan tgl. lahir. Penting!
  Simpan password Anda.

6.Ulangi mengetikkan password di sini

7.Isi dengan kode PIN pilihan Anda.

-Hati-hati! jangan sampai bocor ke tangan orang lain, simpan di tempat aman.

8.Ulangi mengetikkan PIN di sini

9.Klik “I AGREE” tanda persetujuan dari Anda

10.Klik “JOIN NOW” untuk bergabung.

Siapkan notepad untuk mencatat dan menyimpan data

mulai dari email, password, security PIN code, dll – simpan di tempat aman.

Ingat! ini investasi jutaan rupiah, jangan sampai kehilangan uang Anda hanya gara-gara lupa PIN..!!

Cara daftar profitclicking

Kemudian buka email anda lihat di Inbox atau di SPAM

cari email dari Profit Clicking dan lakukan konfirmasi dengan klik link yang diberikan profit clicking

Cara daftar profitclicking 3

Selamat anda telah berhasil melakukan pendaftaran di profitclicking

Cara Funding Profitcliking

Cara funding di profit clickingFunding / Deposit adalah proses penyuntikan/transfer dana dari Bank online seperti Liberty Reserve, Payza, Egopay, Solidtrustpay dan PerfectMoney. Funding bertujuan untuk mengisi dana ke akun Profitclicking agar bisa digunakan untuk membeli paket iklan sehingga bisa mendapatkan Profit 1% - 2%. Sebelum anda Funding Akun Profitclicking anda harus Telebih dahulu mengisi Saldo Bank Online Anda. 

berikut ini adalah cara Funding Akun Profitclicking:

Cara View Ads / Melihat Iklan

Untuk kali ini Cara Bisnis Online ProfitClicking akan membahas tentang cara mendapatkanprofit harian anda wajib untk melihat iklan. Jumlah iklan yang WAJIB dilihat perhari hanya 3 Iklan, masing-masing iklan durasinya 20 detik, jadi kalau 3 iklan hanya 20 detik X 3 = 60 detik / 1 menit

Jadi cukup luangkan waktu anda 1 menit perhari, untuk mendapatkan profit harian 2% senin-jumat dan 1% untuk sabtu - minggu
Langkah pertama
Login ke

Klik Act Now

Akan terbuka Tab baru yang berisi iklan
Tunggu sampai waktunya habis

Klik View Next Ad untuk melihat iklan berikutnya

Lakukan sampai 3 kali (minimal 3 iklan perhari)
jika sudah selesai centang Stop after this ad view
lalu klik View next ad, otomatis akan berhenti dan menutup Tab iklan

Tugas harian anda melihat 3 iklan telah selesai
dalam 24 jam kedepan akan menerima profit harian
Jangan lupa besok ulangi lagi cara di atas untuk mendapatkan profit harian

Cara Buy Packpages

Repurchase adalah membeli posisi advertising baru dari profit harian yang didapat setiap hari. Jadi setiap saldo Ad Packages / Wallet anda terkumpul $10 anda membeli 1 posisi advertising lagi. Lakukan repurchase dari waktu kewaktu untuk memaksimalkan profit harian yang akan anda terima setiap harinya.
- Memaksimalkan profit harian anda, berlipat-lipat dalam beberapa waktu
- Tidak perlu withdraw dulu, lalu didepositkan lagi karena menunggu 2x24jam
-Meminimalisir Cost fee 8% , Sehingga profit bisa maksimal

Klikdisini untuk masuk ke
Klik “LOGIN” , dan masukkan Member Id + Password anda , kemudian klik tombol “> Submit”

Cara repurchase compound profitclicking

Klik pada “DASHBOARD” anda

Cara repurchase compound profitclicking

Klik pada “PURCHASE AD PACKAGES”" Jika tidak berjalan buka tab baru klik :

Cara repurchase compound profitclicking

Harga 1 Posisi advertising = $10
Jika anda mempunyai saldo $500, maka masukkan angka 50
Jika anda mempunyai saldo $1000, maka masukkan angka 100
Jika sudah klik “Proceed with My Order”

Cara repurchase compound profitclicking Review pembelian anda , jika sudah klik “Yes, Confirm My Purchase”

Cara repurchase compound profitclicking

Selamat pembelian posisi advertising telah berhasil

Cara repurchase compound profitclicking
Anda bisa melihat history transaksi anda secara lengkap
Klik pada “DASHBOARD” anda

Cara repurchase compound profitclicking

Berikut history financial akun anda secara detail
Gambar dibawah ini, bisa dilihat bahwa pembelian anda telah berhasil dan placed
Placed artinya sudah ditempatkan dan sudah siap menghasilkan profit

Cara repurchase compound profitclickingJIKA ANDA MAU CEK HISTORY PEMBELIAN ANDA
Atau klik :
Cara repurchase compound profitclicking

Klik “Show Financial Detail”

Cara repurchase compound profitclicking


Cara repurchase compound profitclickingCARA MELIHAT PROFIT HARIAN ANDA
Atau klik :

Cara repurchase compound profitclicking # Selamat Profit harian anda telah masuk #
Senin – Jumat ( 2% ) , Sabtu-Minggu (1%)

Kirim Tiket Profitcliking

Submit Ticket adalah mengirim email ke divisi support di helpdesk Profitclicking , terkadang ada sebagian member yang mengalami hal - hal tak terduga , dimana member profitclicking / sponsor tidak bisa membantu karena hal ini menyangkut teknis berhubungan dengan member area !

klik history pembayaran yang belum masuk ke JSS account
Copy semua history diatas , ( yang terpenting adalah pada kotak berwana merah )
kirim support ticket ke admin Profitclicking
Klik submit ticket
Isi support ticket seperti diatasIsi dengan permasalahan funding anda sesuai yang anda inginkanJika sudah klik submit ticket

Cek pada "My ticket" dalam beberapa hari kedepan* Ticket anda masuk dalam antrian dan akan dibalas oleh admin

Master Profitcliking Indonesia

Written By Unknown on Saturday, December 29, 2012 | 6:54 PM

Alhamdulillah, Hari ini adalah hari yang sangat special dalam sejarah perjalanan saya di Jsstripler , Satu tahun yang lalu di tanggal yang sama dengan hari ini tepatnya pada 21 Juni 2011 , Saya bergabung di Jsstripler !

Semua berawal dari mimpi ,
Satu tahun lalu saya tidak pernah menyangka akan ada sebuah perubahan besar dalam hidup saya , Saya hanya mempunyai impian / cita - cita bisa memperoleh penghasilan rutin dari internet yang sepertinya mustahil didapatkan pada saat itu !

Setelah bergabung di Justbeenpaid dan seiring berjalannya waktu , Semua mimpi yang pernah saya buat telah menjadi kenyataan , gajian rutin ribuan dollar perbulan hanya dengan melakukan beberapa klik setiap hari !

12 bulan yang lalu saya tidak punya banyak uang, 
Saya lampirkan scan buku tabungan saya sebelum bergabung di Justbeenpaid  ;


Ya, satu tahun yang lalu history saldo akhir tabungan saya hanya 12 juta, Setelah 1 tahun berlalu bersama Justbeenpaid Alhamdulillah hasilnya benar - benar luar biasa,  

Total withdraw sampai dengan saat ini lebih dari

Setara Rp. 500 Juta lebih
Jika saja 1 tahun lalu , saya tidak bergabung di JBP , mungkin ceritanya akan lain !

Senang sekali, Diberikan anugerah yang sangat melimpah , sebuah kesempatan untuk bergabung di justbeenpaid 1 tahun yang lalu !
1 tahun lalu, Di grup FB JSS Tripler Team saya hanya sendirian namun sekarang saya telah ditemani lebih dari 28.191 keluarga se Indonesia, yang benar2 luar biasa !

Saya senang dan bahagia bisa berada di tengah - tengah anda semua, Walau tidak bisa mengenal anda satu persatu, namun kebersamaan di grup ini, sangat membuat saya nyaman !
Hapus semua rasa galau anda, semua hal - hal negatif
yang dapat menghambat kesuksesan anda
di masa yang akan datang ! 

Saya yakin 1 tahun kedepan justbeenpaid akan lebih besar lagi
Saya yakin anda akan mendapatkan lebih dari apa yang saya dapatkan pada hari ini, Semua hanya soal waktu & proses !

Apa yang anda lakukan 1 tahun lalu menentukan apa yang anda dapatkan hari ini

Apa yang anda lakukan hari ini menentukan apa yang anda dapatkan 1 tahun kedepan

Bersemangatlah, Yakinkan pada diri anda sendiri bahwa 


Saat yang tepat untuk memulai sukses adalah

Karena tanpa rekrut orang pun
anda pasti bisa mendapatkan uang dari Internet
hanya perlu 10 menit di depan komputer setiap hari

COE Profitcliking

profritclicking indonesia

   Frederick Mann selaku owner dari Justbeenpaid akan segera mendekati masa pensiun setelah selesai merampungkan perjalanan di , kini tonggak estafet akan diteruskan oleh Carl Peason yang merupakan seorang yang turut andil atas kesuksesan Justbeenpaid selama ini. Carl pearson dengan berbagai macam pengalamannya selama ini , siap mengantarkan anda ke jalur kesuksesan.


Dulu : Frederick Mann adalah ( Owner + CEO ) , Carl pearson COO
Sekarang : Frederick Mann Owner & Carl Pearson CEO


   Kita tahu bahwa justbeenpaid tidak dibangun dengan simsalabim dalam sehari namun merupakan rintisan yang berpola dan berkepanjangan untuk waktu yg panjang so mari kita simak mereka yg berjasa dalam membangun bisnis ini menjadi Indefinitely Sustainable


  Carl Pearson – COO (Chief Operations Officer) of JustBeenPaid
By Glenn Angus and Alexander Lang in JBPJSS Tripler

Carl Pearson
Independent Consultant
488 West Shore RoadWestport Island, ME 04578
Cell: (207) 210-7254




Senior IT and Project Manager with almost 22 years of full-time experience implementing and supporting IT products and services for exclusively business clients.

  * Installation and support of PCs, servers and networking.
  * ERP software and web site development for several industries.
  * Proven on-line marketing expert.
  * Substantial start-up and consulting experience.
  * Hiring, training, supervising and compensating dozens of employees.
  * Years of rigorous self-employment.
  * Superior communication, business and organizational skills.




Project Management:
  * Personally carried out sales, procurement, invoicing and bookkeeping for thousands of contracts.
  * Years of education and experience in motivation and leadership of over 60 personnel (cumulative).
  * Extensive negotiation experience with business owners.
  * Training and support for business development partners, particularly OEM branding.
  * Correspondence in all levels of business management.
  * Planned and implemented millions of dollars of IT products and services.
  * Leader on many infrastructure projects – requirements, design, implementation and support.
  * Dozens of partner ERP software systems in various verticals installed, extensively configured,schooled and maintained – including architecture (AutoCad), payroll, cash and accrual accounting, graphic design for marketing agencies, automobile repairs and sales, multi-location POS systems, and large law and insurance clients.
 * Responsible for full SDLC on dozens of software development projects.

   - Conducted requirements meetings with business owners, managers and users.
   - Suggested and implemented improvements to business processes.
   - Developed software to meet requirements.
   - Conducted functional, acceptance, security and performance testing.
   - Implemented and maintained final solution.


Custom Software Development:

 * Internet marketing affiliate web site systems with fully automatic multi-level commission plans and secure back office systems with real-time CRM for affiliates using HTML, Java, PHP, Perl/CGI and MySQL on Linux Servers.
  * Internet, e-commerce (Miva Merchant and custom) and Intranet (IIS) sites.
  * Fully automatic credit card (merchant account) and payment systems, e.g. PayPal.
  * Sustained, 24/7, E-mail, autoresponder systems to 150,000 contact addresses per day.
  * Custom software projects with MS Access (macros and Visual Basic), CA Clipper and C, including database conversion, invoicing, time keeping, overtime and statistic, disposition of transport vehicles, employees and other resources, project management, custom software for hand-held devices, statistic and printer output.

Off-The-Shelf Software, Hardware and Network Installation and Support:


 * Systems migrations and upgrades, systems integration, multi-platform networking and documentation. 
 * Dozens of installations of enterprise software using SQL, MSDE, client/server, Borland BDE, ODBC. 
 * Tens of thousands of hours of desktop support and on-site service.
 * PC off-the-shelf software such as MS Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Access, Works, Internet Explorer and Project, QuickBooks, Quicken, GoldMine, Act, Netscape, Firefox, CorelDRAW, Adobe Dreamweaver and PhotoShop, MS FrontPage, OmniPage, IBM ViaVoice, Crystal Reports – installations, upgrades, extensive configuration and user training.
  * Ethernet networking, WAN, T1, ISDN, programming modems, Antivirus (McAfee, Symantec), advanced log-in scripting (Novell and Microsoft), task scheduling MS servers, SMTP mail servers, cable installation and troubleshooting (coax, twisted pair), network printers (HP Jetadmin, Lexmark) and HP plotters, DEC host to PC terminal emulation (Persoft), hubs, routers, switches, TCP/IP, IPX/SPX, NETBEUI, FTP servers and clients, DHCP servers, TELNET, Putty, POP3, SMTP, DNS, WinFax fax server, frame relay and VPN connections, Ping, TraceRoute, IPConfig, NetStat, NSLookup and extensive troubleshooting.
  * Built dozens of custom file and application servers (ASUS, HP, Compaq, Dell) with lots of redundancy and backup systems (ARCserve, Backup Exec) – mirrored disks, tape and DAT streamers, SCSI-1/2/3, CD-servers.
  * Assembled hundreds of custom PCs, repaired and upgraded many name brands of PCs and laptops.
  * Dozens of Novell NetWare (2.11 – 5.0) installations including GroupWise, Gateway to SMTP, NetWare Connect for ISDN, NetWare IP, Macintosh and postscript support, boot ROMs, Xircom.
  * DOS, windows (3.0 – Vista), OS/2, thin and Mac OS clients – Unisys, Wyse and DEC terminals.
  * MS Windows NT Server, Small Business Server, Exchange, IIS, RAS clients, SQL server.
  * Extensive remote Linux web server administration – also in-house servers with Squid Internet Proxy, Fetchmail to SMTP server, Novell GroupWise and Sendmail.
  * Remote access with pcAnywhere, LapLink.
  * Toshiba laptop and printer in a suitcase solutions.
  * PBX systems, also with ISDN.
  * Printer (laser, ink and needle) repair, barcode printers, DTP scanners, barcode scanners, POS hardware, cutting plotters.
  * Worldwide software distribution tools, InstallConstruct and Turbo SFX.



Independent Consultant, Westport Island, ME, Aug 2002 – present.
Clients: Anonymous

 * Created twelve affiliate web site systems with HTML, Java, PHP, Perl/CGI and MySQL.

   - affiliate advertising web sites with multiple templates.
   - multi-level (up to infinity) commission plans for affiliates.
   - secure back office systems with real-time CRM applications.

 * Client grossed up to five million dollars in three days for a single project.
 * On-line marketing efforts caused on-line sales presentations of up to 800 attendees.
 * Client had to employ up to 30 full-time employees to care for customers.
  * Fully automatic credit card (merchant account) and payment systems (e.g. PayPal).
  * Administered up to six dedicated Linux servers and dozens of web sites.
  * Sustained 24/7 E-mail campaigns with 30,000 – 150,000 contact addresses per day.


Client: Watts Race Cars

  * Directed comprehensive business marketing analysis.
  * Created cutting-edge marketing web site with 300-page, on-line parts catalog.
  * Managed a pay-per-click marketing campaign that took the site to fame almost instantly.


Clients: DI Water, United Utility Corporation, Boston Machinery and several others


 * Directed comprehensive business marketing analysis.
 * Created marketing web site, which pitched tailored information for each business.


International Profit Associates, Buffalo Grove, IL, May 2006 – Jun 2006.

Senior Area Manager


 * Met with CEO’s, presidents and owners of firms to discuss their business operations.
 * Determined what problems were keeping the business owner from achieving their maximum potential.
 * Sold business analysis services to help them attain their goals.
 * Cold-called hundreds of business owners located nearby existing appointments.
  * Closed several on-site surveys, which created business consulting projects for IPA.
  * Absorbed weeks of intensive sales training, in the classroom and on-the-job (major consulting firm).


Staff & Line, Inc., Beverly, MA, Apr 2000 to Apr 2002 – U.S. location downsized.

Pre-Sales Technical Manager


 * Supported market leader’s U.S. start-up of a dozen sales professionals in all technical areas.
 * Provided technical support to hundreds of clients, demonstrating knowledge in technology and sales.
 * Supported product managers in France and the U.S. to design product for IT managers and CFOs.
 * Detrimental in editing documents and web sites from a technical and “correct English” standpoint.
 * Personally carried out $6K-per-month pay-per-click marketing campaign.
 * Conducted product training and sales presentations, on-line and on-site, national and international.
 * Conducted training for business development partners, particularly OEM branding.
 * Directed dozens of installations of enterprise software using SQL MSDE or client/server
* Provided thousands of hours of desktop support and on-site service.


BigByte Computer GmbH, Berlin, Germany, Jun 1997 to Jan 2000 – relocated to the U.S.

F.F.N. Computer GmbH, Berlin, Germany, Apr 1996 to May 1997.

Carl Pearson Computer Service, Berlin, Germany, Jan 1990 to Mar 1996.


Sales and Technical Manager


 * Developed highly effective marketing, sales and support procedures for three start-ups.
 * Delivered computer hardware, software and networking in European city of 3.4 million people.
 * Consistently closed, installed, and maintained $500K of business per year.
 * Continually sold Novell and Microsoft Networking, custom-built servers, and ERP software solutions.
 * Established first, significant IT-support in Berlin, offering support 24/7 without maintenance contract.
 * Consistently increased growth in declining national market.
 * Hired, trained and supervised up to 13 full-time employees at a time.
 * Oversight of sales manager and six outside sales representatives.
 * Executed extensive postal mailing campaigns, as necessary.
 * Carried out sales, procurement, invoicing and bookkeeping for thousands of contracts.
 * Acquired extensive negotiation experience with business owners at all levels.
 * Closed millions of dollars of face-to-face, corporate business.
 * Provided tens of thousands of hours of desktop support and on-site service.
 * Traveled to remote offices in Germany to provide support for regional clients.
 * Mastered the German language – speaking, reading and writing business correspondence.
 * Planned and implemented millions of dollars of IT products and services.
 * Led small teams on infrastructure projects – requirements, design, implementation and support.
 * Responsible for full SDLC on dozens of software development projects.


Closed, implemented and supported hundreds of IT projects including:

  - custom software development with MS Access, CA Clipper and C.
  - ERP software projects in numerous verticals, including handheld systems.
  - network solutions using Ethernet, WAN, ISDN and modems, network security, advanced log-in scripting, task scheduling,

SMTP mail servers, cable installation and troubleshooting, network printers and plotters, DEC and Unix connections and more.

  - custom file and application servers and their backup systems.
  - hundreds of individually assembled custom PCs.
  - repaired and upgraded name brand PCs and laptops.
  - Multiple complex installations of Novell NetWare, Microsoft and Linux networking with integration of office equipment and provider technologies – DOS, windows, OS/2 and Mac OS clients.


U.S. Army, Special Security Military Officer, Berlin, Germany, Sep 1984 to Sep 1988.



M.S., Systems Management, University of Southern California, December 1987

B.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Maine, Orono, Maine, May 1984.

Carl Pearson:

  - COO (Chief Operations Officer) of JustBeenPaid
  - technical expert of JustBeenPaid and the primary programmer of the program
  - Sales, Marketing, System Design and Implementation Consultant of JustBeenPaid


Carl says:

  “As a money-making program owner myself, I’ve always been highly interested in coming up with simple ways for anyone to succeed in a program. Since 2002, I have been an MLMer, designing more than 10 programs myself and participating in hundreds of others. With the addition of years of sales training from highly skilled and experienced mentors, my expertise is being put to full use at JustBeenPaid!”

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